Comment 21 for bug 1672740

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package nplan - 0.23~17.04.1

nplan (0.23~17.04.1) zesty; urgency=medium

  * Backport netplan 0.23 to 17.04. (LP: #1688632)

nplan (0.23) artful; urgency=medium

  * Do not unbind brcmfmac, interface will be gone. (LP: #1696162)

nplan (0.22) artful; urgency=medium

  * Add support for setting a custom MAC address on all device types.
    (LP: #1690388)
  * Improved MAC/vlan integration tests; thanks for Dimitri John Ledkov for the

nplan (0.21) artful; urgency=medium

  [ Ryan Harper ]
  * Add support for setting MTU on a device. (LP: #1668693)

  [ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
  * Don't rebind Atheros AR9271; it would confuse the driver. (LP: #1672740)
  * debian/control: Add Conflicts: against netplan; the network 'plan' daemon.
    Both ship the same /usr/sbin/netplan. (LP: #1665842)

 -- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Tue, 06 Jun 2017 17:40:10 -0700