Recent: the last n albums that were played or added.
An album appears only once in the list. Example:
* User starts using the music app and adds music from albums A, B, C
** Recent tab shows albums C, B, A
* User plays album A
** Recent tab shows albums A, C, B
So show last n albums that the user has played songs of, or the last n added albums if there are no or not enough played albums. Let's say n = 10 or 15.
Is this possible? It would be great if we could add playlists to this list in the future.
Copied from the UX spec https:/ /docs.google. com/a/canonical .com/document/ d/12ZvFDfH- 7zjk-seTFpP205y OuUNi9ticEkvmQF i_bTY/edit# heading= h.d9ebl8ngc6q
Recent: the last n albums that were played or added.
An album appears only once in the list. Example:
* User starts using the music app and adds music from albums A, B, C
** Recent tab shows albums C, B, A
* User plays album A
** Recent tab shows albums A, C, B
So show last n albums that the user has played songs of, or the last n added albums if there are no or not enough played albums. Let's say n = 10 or 15.
Is this possible? It would be great if we could add playlists to this list in the future.