Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/newton
commit a97cc33777a1fddc027eafad654ea79e77c92e98 Author: Tetiana Lashchova <email address hidden> Date: Thu Sep 29 11:57:33 2016 +0300
Use sys.maxsize instead of sys.maxint
The sys.maxint constant was removed in python 3 and now it's better to use sys.maxsize.
Change-Id: I5af1537ae04a16454f20040e01ec64a6454171a2 Closes-Bug: #1628830 (cherry picked from commit 6a8e88de823f562b3b785a13e5cc31523475cc49)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/385838 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano/ commit/ ?id=a97cc33777a 1fddc027eafad65 4ea79e77c92e98
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit a97cc33777a1fdd c027eafad654ea7 9e77c92e98
Author: Tetiana Lashchova <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 29 11:57:33 2016 +0300
Use sys.maxsize instead of sys.maxint
The sys.maxint constant was removed in python 3 and now it's /docs.python. org/3/whatsnew/ 3.0.html# integers
better to use sys.maxsize.
Change-Id: I5af1537ae04a16 454f20040e01ec6 4a6454171a2 b3b785a13e5cc31 523475cc49)
Closes-Bug: #1628830
(cherry picked from commit 6a8e88de823f562