Murano dashboard crashes if glare is down. It should
act similarly as the situations when murano-api is
down, show horizon's error message that it was
impossible to communicate with glare api.
Change-Id: I29687d45d4b6da6ef27bf09bee537efec3bacdeb
Closes-Bug: #1595494
(cherry picked from commit 1c18762ba1c88e08da6e96ae78aed116cd6dab3b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/338922 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano- dashboard/ commit/ ?id=baaa64f9ab6 828f011442d64f6 63033b21d46a7b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/mitaka
commit baaa64f9ab6828f 011442d64f66303 3b21d46a7b
Author: zhurong <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 30 05:39:03 2016 +0000
Add exception for communicate with glare api
Murano dashboard crashes if glare is down. It should
act similarly as the situations when murano-api is
down, show horizon's error message that it was
impossible to communicate with glare api.
Change-Id: I29687d45d4b6da 6ef27bf09bee537 efec3bacdeb 8da6e96ae78aed1 16cd6dab3b)
Closes-Bug: #1595494
(cherry picked from commit 1c18762ba1c88e0