Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit a8e91b16e712ad3bb3c8feceba65041866ce5a62 Author: Nikolay Starodubtsev <email address hidden> Date: Wed Sep 9 18:21:43 2015 +0300
Fix race condition with router creation
Previously when murano deployed a bunch of environments from scratch it was possible to have an error during router creation. Router was created by env_1 and before it was fully configure it was accessed by env_2 and then the error occurred.
Change-Id: I6dcd281a24825bb9c2ae09f45009faa6eca5a451 Closes-Bug: #1493883
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/221827 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano/ commit/ ?id=a8e91b16e71 2ad3bb3c8feceba 65041866ce5a62
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit a8e91b16e712ad3 bb3c8feceba6504 1866ce5a62
Author: Nikolay Starodubtsev <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 9 18:21:43 2015 +0300
Fix race condition with router creation
Previously when murano deployed a bunch of environments from scratch
it was possible to have an error during router creation. Router was
created by env_1 and before it was fully configure it was accessed by
env_2 and then the error occurred.
Change-Id: I6dcd281a24825b b9c2ae09f45009f aa6eca5a451
Closes-Bug: #1493883