Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 6989af8d2ce1ba5970b55e809b0afa72bd66b56f Author: Felipe Monteiro <email address hidden> Date: Sun Dec 18 00:47:32 2016 +0000
Fixes test_filter_by_description failing on glare gate job.
Confirmed bug #1616856 states that filtering apps by description currently doesn't work with glare. So, the test is skipped if glare is being used.
Change-Id: I241a16b3c28cfc7955f95035b1c31180451e8903 Closes-Bug: #1650831 Related-Bug: #1616856
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/412161 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano- dashboard/ commit/ ?id=6989af8d2ce 1ba5970b55e809b 0afa72bd66b56f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 6989af8d2ce1ba5 970b55e809b0afa 72bd66b56f
Author: Felipe Monteiro <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 18 00:47:32 2016 +0000
Fixes test_filter_ by_description failing on glare gate job.
Confirmed bug #1616856 states that filtering apps by description
currently doesn't work with glare. So, the test is skipped
if glare is being used.
Change-Id: I241a16b3c28cfc 7955f95035b1c31 180451e8903
Closes-Bug: #1650831
Related-Bug: #1616856