1. Deploy devstack from master
2. Install Cloud Foundry app
3. ssh to the deployed instance with cf
4. exec 'cf login'
6. try to register service-broker in cloud foundry via 'сf create-service-broker murano admin admin <url>' , url = http:, for example.
Expected result:
service broker will be created
Actual result:
freerunner@pegasus:[~]$ cf create-service-broker murano admin admin
Creating service broker murano as admin...
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 270012, message: Service broker catalog is invalid:
Service broker must provide at least one service
This one happened, because murano-cfapi doesn't support service search In GLARE.
1. Deploy devstack from master service- broker murano admin admin <url>' , url = http:172. 18.162. 71/:8083/, for example.
2. Install Cloud Foundry app
3. ssh to the deployed instance with cf
4. exec 'cf login'
6. try to register service-broker in cloud foundry via 'сf create-
Expected result:
service broker will be created
Actual result: pegasus: [~]$ cf create- service- broker murano admin admin http:// 172.18. 168.71: 8083
Creating service broker murano as admin...
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 270012, message: Service broker catalog is invalid:
Service broker must provide at least one service
This one happened, because murano-cfapi doesn't support service search In GLARE.