Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit b3b2f1e9098b2b9fcacdae2fe81ef539817b6adf Author: Kirill Zaitsev <email address hidden> Date: Mon Oct 5 16:23:56 2015 +0300
Prevent key error on deployed app detail page
Dashboard keeps app type on object model special key. But if deployment was made via API call, that key may not exist.
This commit allows the code to tolerate absence of the key
Change-Id: I76525327a540e44d51ed252f8668388dbf8cfdfc Closes-Bug: #1455529
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/230990 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano- dashboard/ commit/ ?id=b3b2f1e9098 b2b9fcacdae2fe8 1ef539817b6adf
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit b3b2f1e9098b2b9 fcacdae2fe81ef5 39817b6adf
Author: Kirill Zaitsev <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Oct 5 16:23:56 2015 +0300
Prevent key error on deployed app detail page
Dashboard keeps app type on object model special key.
But if deployment was made via API call, that key may not exist.
This commit allows the code to tolerate absence of the key
Change-Id: I76525327a540e4 4d51ed252f86683 88dbf8cfdfc
Closes-Bug: #1455529