Due to the way django validates fields having a required=True fieild
almoust never makes sense. This would mean that user would not be able
to choose false for the boolean value, that the Field represents,
because django would raise an error, stating, that the field is
This is especially true for fields, generated for HOT template-packages.
This patch sets required to False for dynamic_ui.
Change-Id: Ibc36017e37bb7df9f7bde2c53265237b21276fd6
Related-Bug: #1450536
(cherry picked from commit cd380da63d95c8a546792c5de25cdc19a4070466)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/196035 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ murano- dashboard/ commit/ ?id=01280b6ae1a ff6c2d4994aff43 3410251dd219f2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 01280b6ae1aff6c 2d4994aff433410 251dd219f2
Author: Kirill Zaitsev <email address hidden>
Date: Wed May 27 00:38:26 2015 +0300
Mark BooleanFields as non-required in dynamic_ui
Due to the way django validates fields having a required=True fieild
almoust never makes sense. This would mean that user would not be able
to choose false for the boolean value, that the Field represents,
because django would raise an error, stating, that the field is
This is especially true for fields, generated for HOT template-packages.
This patch sets required to False for dynamic_ui.
Change-Id: Ibc36017e37bb7d f9f7bde2c532652 37b21276fd6 546792c5de25cdc 19a4070466)
Related-Bug: #1450536
(cherry picked from commit cd380da63d95c8a