log_http_response /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/heatclient/common/http.py:124
2013-11-20 05:11:56.577 17290 DEBUG muranoconductor.commands.vm_agent [-] Waiting infinitely for responses to be returned by the agent.
1 total responses remain execute_pending /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/muranoconductor/commands/vm_agent.py:163
2013-11-20 05:12:52.135 17290 INFO muranoconductor.vm_agent [-] Received result from abd55e4e64884a37a877351125b0ee76 for SqlServerCluster/FailoverCluster: {u'IsException': False,
u'Result': [{u'IsException': True, u'Result': [u'System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException', u'Command execution stopped because the preference variable
"ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the
operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows
access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local subnet. For more information, see the
about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.']}]}
2013-11-20 05:12:52.136 17290 WARNING muranoconductor.vm_agent [-] Handling errors ([{'source': 'command', 'command': None, 'details': None, 'timestamp': '2013-11-20T05:12:52.135962',
'message': u'Command execution stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server
xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the
network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to
remote computers within the same local subnet. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.', 'type':
u'System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException'}]) in failure block
2013-11-20 05:12:52.226 17290 DEBUG muranoconductor.reporting [-] Reported '{'environment_id': u'cd9290115f82401ca403b02539ad60e4', 'level': 'error', 'text': u'Unable to create failover
cluster for SQL Server Service wegwggw due to [{"source": "command", "command": null, "details": null, "timestamp": "2013-11-20T05:12:52.135962", "message": "Command execution stopped
because the preference variable \\"ErrorActionPreference\\" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error
message : WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the
WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local subnet.
For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.", "type": "System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException"}]', 'entity': 'Service', 'details': None, 'id':
u'942b95e54496438599f833dd98e32110'}' to API _report_func /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/muranoconductor/reporting.py:50
2013-11-20 05:12:52.228 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Workflow stop requested
2013-11-20 05:12:52.228 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Workflow stopped by 'stop' command
2013-11-20 05:12:52.232 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Finished processing task . Result = {"updated": "2013-11-20T04:49:08.190776", "name": "eswgwsgwg", "created": "2013-11-
20T04:49:08.192448", "tenant_id": "0c566a57006a4ad59f5258e2d827aaed", "version": 0, "services": [{"updated": "2013-11-20 04:50:17.689842", "availabilityZone": "nova", "name":
"fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "created": "2013-11-20 04:50:17.689832", "adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "unitNamingPattern": "", "state": {"primaryDcIp":
"", "primaryDc": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh_instance_0", "domainAdminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***"}, "adminAccountName": "Administrator", "osImage": {"type": "windows.2012", "name": "ws-
2012-std", "title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"}, "units": [{"id": "e7eaf2d98dba4e9ca7496091f695e8db", "isMaster": true, "name": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh_instance_0", "recoveryPassword": "***
SANITIZED ***", "state": {"hostname": "uzqyzho83i8vm3"}}], "flavor": "m1.medium", "configuration": "standalone", "type": "activeDirectory", "id": "602ee0b9cc6942cfaa74ac198e487862"},
{"domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "domainAdminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "externalAD": false, "sqlServiceUserName": "regeh", "sqlServicePassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "osImage":
{"type": "windows.2012", "name": "ws-2012-std", "title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"}, "agListenerName": "oiuyhwg", "clusterIp": "", "flavor": "m1.medium", "id":
"942b95e54496438599f833dd98e32110", "agGroupName": "frwgwg", "domainAdminUserName": "Administrator", "agListenerIP": "", "state": {"adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***"}, "units":
[{"isMaster": true, "name": "node-1", "domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "state": {"failoverClusterPrerequisitesInstalled": true, "domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "hostname": "hpimcho83i8vo4",
"domainIp": ""}, "isSync": true, "id": "abd55e4e64884a37a877351125b0ee76"}, {"isMaster": false, "name": "node-2", "domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "state":
{"failoverClusterPrerequisitesInstalled": true, "domain": "fgdhdfh.dfsghdsgh", "hostname": "xhtopho83i8vp5", "domainIp": ""}, "isSync": true, "id":
"292e4a3d439e4fad9f5c9c4ebad2b0b2"}], "type": "msSqlClusterServer", "updated": "2013-11-20 04:52:05.644383", "availabilityZone": "nova", "adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "clusterName":
"rguhergkue", "databases": ["MEGADB"], "unitNamingPattern": "", "name": "wegwggw", "created": "2013-11-20 04:52:05.644375", "saPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "mixedModeAuth": true}], "id":
text from paste.openstack .org:
302 Found
The resource was found at http:// 172.18. 124.202: 8004/v1/ 0c566a57006a4ad 59f5258e2d827aa ed/stacks/ ecd9290115f8240 1ca403b02539ad6 0e4/069ae7ef- 8d29-4e61- 8e3c-04013793ab 94; you should be lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ heatclient/ common/ http.py: 124 common. http [-] curl -i -X GET -H 'User-Agent: python-heatclient' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X- 084b04d2d8d6da8 5e' http:// 172.18. 124.202: 8004/v1/ 0c566a57006a4ad 59f5258e2d827aa ed/stacks/ ecd9290115f8240 1ca403b02539ad6 0e4/069ae7ef- 8d29-4e61- 8e3c-04013793ab 94 lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ heatclient/ common/ http.py: 114 common. http [-]
redirected automatically.
log_http_response /usr/local/
2013-11-20 05:11:56.483 17290 DEBUG heatclient.
Auth-Token: 70b7a62cc18a4a4
log_curl_request /usr/local/
2013-11-20 05:11:56.575 17290 DEBUG heatclient.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 05:11:56 GMT
content-length: 923
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
{"stack": {"disable_ rollback" : false, "description": "No description", "parameters": {"AWS::StackId": heat::0c566a570 06a4ad59f5258e2 d827aaed: stacks/ ecd9290115f8240 1ca403b02539ad6 0e4/069ae7ef- 8d29-4e61- 8e3c-04013793ab 94", "KeyName": "murano-lb-key", "AWS::Region": "ap- 01ca403b02539ad 60e4"}, "stack_ status_ reason" : "Stack successfully created", "stack_name": "ecd9290115f824 01ca403b02539ad 60e4", "outputs": [], 20T04:53: 05Z", "links": [{"href": "http:// 172.18. 124.202: 8004/v1/ 0c566a57006a4ad 59f5258e2d827aa ed/stacks/ ecd9290115f8240 1ca403b02539ad6 0e4/069ae7ef- 8d29-4e61- 8e3c- topics" : [], "timeout_mins": 60, "stack_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "updated_time": "2013-11- 20T04:53: 45Z", "id": 8d29-4e61- 8e3c-04013793ab 94", "template_ description" : "No description"}}
southeast-1", "AWS::StackName": "ecd9290115f824
"creation_time": "2013-11-
04013793ab94", "rel": "self"}], "capabilities": [], "notification_
log_http_response /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ heatclient/ common/ http.py: 124 .commands. vm_agent [-] Waiting infinitely for responses to be returned by the agent. lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ muranoconductor /commands/ vm_agent. py:163 .vm_agent [-] Received result from abd55e4e64884a3 7a877351125b0ee 76 for SqlServerCluste r/FailoverClust er: {u'IsException': False, Management. Automation. ActionPreferenc eStopException' , u'Command execution stopped because the preference variable ference" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the Troubleshooting Help topic.']}]} .vm_agent [-] Handling errors ([{'source': 'command', 'command': None, 'details': None, 'timestamp': '2013-11- 20T05:12: 52.135962' , ference" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server Troubleshooting Help topic.', 'type': Management. Automation. ActionPreferenc eStopException' }]) in failure block .reporting [-] Reported '{'environment_id': u'cd9290115f824 01ca403b02539ad 60e4', 'level': 'error', 'text': u'Unable to create failover 20T05:12: 52.135962" , "message": "Command execution stopped reference\ \" or common parameter is set to Stop: [xhtopho83i8vp5] Connecting to remote server xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error Troubleshooting Help topic.", "type": "System. Management. Automation. ActionPreferenc eStopException" }]', 'entity': 'Service', 'details': None, 'id': 38599f833dd98e3 2110'}' to API _report_func /usr/local/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ muranoconductor /reporting. py:50 20T04:49: 08.190776" , "name": "eswgwsgwg", "created": "2013-11- 08.192448" , "tenant_id": "0c566a57006a4a d59f5258e2d827a aed", "version": 0, "services": [{"updated": "2013-11-20 04:50:17.689842", "availabilityZone": "nova", "name": dfsghdsgh" , "created": "2013-11-20 04:50:17.689832", "adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "domain": "fgdhdfh. dfsghdsgh" , "unitNamingPatt ern": "", "state": {"primaryDcIp": dfsghdsgh_ instance_ 0", "domainAdminPas sword": "*** SANITIZED ***"}, "adminAccountName": "Administrator", "osImage": {"type": "windows.2012", "name": "ws- 9ca7496091f695e 8db", "isMaster": true, "name": "fgdhdfh. dfsghdsgh_ instance_ 0", "recoveryPassword": "*** "}}], "flavor": "m1.medium", "configuration": "standalone", "type": "activeDirectory", "id": "602ee0b9cc6942 cfaa74ac198e487 862"}, dfsghdsgh" , "domainAdminPas sword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "externalAD": false, "sqlServiceUser Name": "regeh", "sqlServicePass word": "*** SANITIZED ***", "osImage": 8599f833dd98e32 110", "agGroupName": "frwgwg", "domainAdminUse rName": "Administrator", "agListenerIP": "", "state": {"adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***"}, "units": dfsghdsgh" , "state": {"failoverClust erPrerequisites Installed" : true, "domain": "fgdhdfh. dfsghdsgh" , "hostname": "hpimcho83i8vo4", 37a877351125b0e e76"}, {"isMaster": false, "name": "node-2", "domain": "fgdhdfh. dfsghdsgh" , "state": erPrerequisites Installed" : true, "domain": "fgdhdfh. dfsghdsgh" , "hostname": "xhtopho83i8vp5", "domainIp": ""}, "isSync": true, "id": ad9f5c9c4ebad2b 0b2"}], "type": "msSqlClusterSe rver", "updated": "2013-11-20 04:52:05.644383", "availabilityZone": "nova", "adminPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "clusterName": ern": "", "name": "wegwggw", "created": "2013-11-20 04:52:05.644375", "saPassword": "*** SANITIZED ***", "mixedModeAuth": true}], "id": 1ca403b02539ad6 0e4"}
2013-11-20 05:11:56.577 17290 DEBUG muranoconductor
1 total responses remain execute_pending /usr/local/
2013-11-20 05:12:52.135 17290 INFO muranoconductor
u'Result': [{u'IsException': True, u'Result': [u'System.
operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows
access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local subnet. For more information, see the
2013-11-20 05:12:52.136 17290 WARNING muranoconductor
'message': u'Command execution stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPre
xhtopho83i8vp5 failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the
network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to
remote computers within the same local subnet. For more information, see the about_Remote_
2013-11-20 05:12:52.226 17290 DEBUG muranoconductor
cluster for SQL Server Service wegwggw due to [{"source": "command", "command": null, "details": null, "timestamp": "2013-11-
because the preference variable \\"ErrorActionP
message : WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the
WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local subnet.
For more information, see the about_Remote_
2013-11-20 05:12:52.228 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Workflow stop requested
2013-11-20 05:12:52.228 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Workflow stopped by 'stop' command
2013-11-20 05:12:52.232 17290 INFO muranoconductor.app [-] Finished processing task . Result = {"updated": "2013-11-
"", "primaryDc": "fgdhdfh.
2012-std", "title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"}, "units": [{"id": "e7eaf2d98dba4e
SANITIZED ***", "state": {"hostname": "uzqyzho83i8vm3
{"domain": "fgdhdfh.
{"type": "windows.2012", "name": "ws-2012-std", "title": "Windows Server 2012 Standard"}, "agListenerName": "oiuyhwg", "clusterIp": "", "flavor": "m1.medium", "id":
[{"isMaster": true, "name": "node-1", "domain": "fgdhdfh.
"domainIp": ""}, "isSync": true, "id": "abd55e4e64884a
"rguhergkue", "databases": ["MEGADB"], "unitNamingPatt