Sounds like my using locked rooms is going to be why getPath crashes on me, and was also somewhat my fault.
The mapfile I posted is the starting file i'm including: It starts with all rooms held in the -1 area, and all rooms also marked locked.
I'd added in locking rooms with some of the map already visible (but not unlocked), which meant when I was trying to speedwalk to places I could see on the map, it was crashing (the room was still locked). I was aware of certain room numbers, and had aliases trying to speedwalk to those particular rooms, but it ended up being rooms held in a locked status so just never failed nicely (it crashes).
Sounds like my using locked rooms is going to be why getPath crashes on me, and was also somewhat my fault.
The mapfile I posted is the starting file i'm including: It starts with all rooms held in the -1 area, and all rooms also marked locked.
I'd added in locking rooms with some of the map already visible (but not unlocked), which meant when I was trying to speedwalk to places I could see on the map, it was crashing (the room was still locked). I was aware of certain room numbers, and had aliases trying to speedwalk to those particular rooms, but it ended up being rooms held in a locked status so just never failed nicely (it crashes).