On another env:
3 volumes attached to instance:
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll tcp: [2],1 iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-140028ac-ded0-4508-8843-e6b7033ae5a8 tcp: [3],1 iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-44fd8a87-0548-4bea-9edc-791194476d02 tcp: [4],1 iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-d87fef38-ebdc-47ba-b2af-93dcb556f8cd 33000000300000001 dm-5 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active `- 5:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 active ready running 33000000100000001 dm-3 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active `- 3:0:0:1 sda 8:0 active ready running 33000000200000001 dm-4 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active `- 4:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
Detached one of them:
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll tcp: [3],1 iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-44fd8a87-0548-4bea-9edc-791194476d02 tcp: [4],1 iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-d87fef38-ebdc-47ba-b2af-93dcb556f8cd 33000000300000001 dm-5 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active `- 5:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 active ready running 33000000100000001 dm-3 , size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active `- #:#:#:# - #:# active faulty running 33000000200000001 dm-4 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active `- 4:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
Detached all volumes
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll iscsiadm: No active sessions. 33000000300000001 dm-5 , size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled `- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running 33000000100000001 dm-3 , size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled `- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running 33000000200000001 dm-4 , size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw `-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled `- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running
VERSION: feature_groups: - mirantis production: "docker" release: "6.1" openstack_version: "2014.2.2-6.1" api: "1.0" build_number: "462" build_id: "2015-05-24_15-51-50" nailgun_sha: "76441596e4fe6420cc7819427662fa244e150177" python-fuelclient_sha: "e19f1b65792f84c4a18b5a9473f85ef3ba172fce" astute_sha: "0bd72c72369e743376864e8e8dabfe873d40450a" fuel-library_sha: "889c2534ceadf8afd5d1540c1cadbd913c0c8c14" fuel-ostf_sha: "9a5f55602c260d6c840c8333d8f32ec8cfa65c1f" fuelmain_sha: "5c8ebddf64ea93000af2de3ccdb4aa8bb766ce93"
Ubuntu deployment, 1 controller, 1 compute, 1 cinder lvm Neutron with VLAN segmentation.
On another env:
3 volumes attached to instance:
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll 10.org. openstack: volume- 140028ac- ded0-4508- 8843-e6b7033ae5 a8 10.org. openstack: volume- 44fd8a87- 0548-4bea- 9edc-791194476d 02 10.org. openstack: volume- d87fef38- ebdc-47ba- b2af-93dcb556f8 cd
tcp: [2],1 iqn.2010-
tcp: [3],1 iqn.2010-
tcp: [4],1 iqn.2010-
33000000300000001 dm-5 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 5:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 active ready running
33000000100000001 dm-3 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 3:0:0:1 sda 8:0 active ready running
33000000200000001 dm-4 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 4:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
Detached one of them:
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll 10.org. openstack: volume- 44fd8a87- 0548-4bea- 9edc-791194476d 02 10.org. openstack: volume- d87fef38- ebdc-47ba- b2af-93dcb556f8 cd
tcp: [3],1 iqn.2010-
tcp: [4],1 iqn.2010-
33000000300000001 dm-5 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 5:0:0:1 sdc 8:32 active ready running
33000000100000001 dm-3 ,
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
`- #:#:#:# - #:# active faulty running
33000000200000001 dm-4 IET,VIRTUAL-DISK
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=1 status=active
`- 4:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
Detached all volumes
root@node-7:~# iscsiadm --mode session ; multipath -ll
iscsiadm: No active sessions.
33000000300000001 dm-5 ,
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled
`- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running
33000000100000001 dm-3 ,
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled
`- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running
33000000200000001 dm-4 ,
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled
`- #:#:#:# - #:# failed faulty running
VERSION: version: "2014.2.2-6.1" 24_15-51- 50" 20cc7819427662f a244e150177" fuelclient_ sha: "e19f1b65792f84 c4a18b5a9473f85 ef3ba172fce" 3376864e8e8dabf e873d40450a" afd5d1540c1cadb d913c0c8c14" 6c840c8333d8f32 ec8cfa65c1f" 000af2de3ccdb4a a8bb766ce93"
- mirantis
production: "docker"
release: "6.1"
api: "1.0"
build_number: "462"
build_id: "2015-05-
nailgun_sha: "76441596e4fe64
astute_sha: "0bd72c72369e74
fuel-library_sha: "889c2534ceadf8
fuel-ostf_sha: "9a5f55602c260d
fuelmain_sha: "5c8ebddf64ea93
Ubuntu deployment, 1 controller, 1 compute, 1 cinder lvm
Neutron with VLAN segmentation.