This bug was fixed by the following commits: 5.1.1 -;a=commit;h=4d22b5fc3898183e24cc0fded71083175a00c1b5 5.0.3 -;a=commit;h=423ca751f5d0d102af56e1601de9f9552b91a80e 6.0 - The problem isn't reproduced
This bug was fixed by the following commits: /review. fuel-infra. org/gitweb? p=openstack- build/neutron- build.git; a=commit; h=4d22b5fc38981 83e24cc0fded710 83175a00c1b5 /review. fuel-infra. org/gitweb? p=openstack- build/neutron- build.git; a=commit; h=423ca751f5d0d 102af56e1601de9 f9552b91a80e
5.1.1 - https:/
5.0.3 - https:/
6.0 - The problem isn't reproduced