I am able to reproduce this issue in a DPDK-enabled lab with a simple loop:
while true; do nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image TestVM --nic net-id=59691fd6-a122-4e5a-90a0-8285721a18d4 test1 | tee | grep '^| id ' | awk '{print $4}' | tee | xargs nova delete; done
It took a minute or two to generate 12 stale dpdk socket ports / OVS ports with tag 4095. So the probability is very high and potential impact is high if DPDK is used - just a few hours of running some active VM creation & deletion can bring OpenStack down, i.e. user won't be able to spawn any new VMs.
We need to work further to find a solution, I'll investigate myself but any help is highly appreciated.
I am able to reproduce this issue in a DPDK-enabled lab with a simple loop:
while true; do nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image TestVM --nic net-id= 59691fd6- a122-4e5a- 90a0-8285721a18 d4 test1 | tee | grep '^| id ' | awk '{print $4}' | tee | xargs nova delete; done
It took a minute or two to generate 12 stale dpdk socket ports / OVS ports with tag 4095. So the probability is very high and potential impact is high if DPDK is used - just a few hours of running some active VM creation & deletion can bring OpenStack down, i.e. user won't be able to spawn any new VMs.
We need to work further to find a solution, I'll investigate myself but any help is highly appreciated.