with the following error:
raise ASSERTION_ERROR(message)
AssertionError: The following tests have not succeeded, while they must have passed:
- Check stack autoscaling (fuel_health.tests.tests_platform.test_heat.HeatSmokeTests.test_autoscaling). Test status: failure, message: Time limit exceeded while waiting for launching the new instance per autoscaling alarm to finish. Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.
Note: we need to perform additional investigation to find the root of the issue.
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Run SWARM tests for MOS Heat
Expected Result:
Tests will pass
Observed Result: /product- ci.infra. mirantis. net/job/ 9.0.system_ test.ubuntu. services_ ha/105/ testReport/ (root)/ deploy_ heat_ha/ deploy_ heat_ha/
SWARM tests failed for MOS 9.0 #350 (downstream):
with the following error: ERROR(message) tests.tests_ platform. test_heat. HeatSmokeTests. test_autoscalin g). Test status: failure, message: Time limit exceeded while waiting for launching the new instance per autoscaling alarm to finish. Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.
AssertionError: The following tests have not succeeded, while they must have passed:
- Check stack autoscaling (fuel_health.