Commit: f00f61c1431c793342f31d70d61d2dba648a26e4
Author: Mike Fedosin <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 10 16:04:16 2015
Cleanup chunks for deleted image if token expired.
In patch I47229b366c25367ec1bd48aec684e0880f3dfe60 it was
introduced the logic that if image was deleted during file
upload when we want to update image status from 'saving'
to 'active' it's expected to get Duplicate error and delete
stale chunks after that. But if user's token is expired
there will be Unathorized exception and chunks will stay
in store and clog it.
And when, the upload operation for such an image is
completed the operator configured quota can be exceeded.
This patch fixes the issue of left over chunks for an image
which was deleted from saving status, by correcly handle
auth exceptions from registry server
Closes-bug: #1497984
Change-Id: I17a66eca55bfb83107046910e69c4da01415deec
(cherry picked from commit ec89aaa933e4960ea053a6ad57e397574506a362)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/12665 ci/fuel- 6.0-updates/ 2014.2
Submitter: Vitaly Sedelnik <email address hidden>
Branch: openstack-
Commit: f00f61c1431c793 342f31d70d61d2d ba648a26e4
Author: Mike Fedosin <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 10 16:04:16 2015
Cleanup chunks for deleted image if token expired.
In patch I47229b366c2536 7ec1bd48aec684e 0880f3dfe60 it was
introduced the logic that if image was deleted during file
upload when we want to update image status from 'saving'
to 'active' it's expected to get Duplicate error and delete
stale chunks after that. But if user's token is expired
there will be Unathorized exception and chunks will stay
in store and clog it.
And when, the upload operation for such an image is
completed the operator configured quota can be exceeded.
This patch fixes the issue of left over chunks for an image
which was deleted from saving status, by correcly handle
auth exceptions from registry server
Closes-bug: #1497984
Change-Id: I17a66eca55bfb8 3107046910e69c4 da01415deec ea053a6ad57e397 574506a362)
(cherry picked from commit ec89aaa933e4960