Notify nova with network-vif-plugged in case of live migration
- during live migration on pre migration step nova plugs instance
vif device on the destination compute node;
- L2 agent on destination host detects new device and requests device
info from server;
- server does not change port status since port is bound to another
host (source host);
- L2 agent processes device and sends update_device_up to server;
- again server does not update status as port is bound to another host;
Nova notifications are sent only in case port status change so in this case
no notifications are sent.
The fix is to explicitly notify nova if agent reports device up from a host
other than port's current host.
This is the fix on neutron side, the actual fix of the bug is on nova side:
change-id Ib1cb9c2f6eb2f5ce6280c685ae44a691665b4e98
upstream review:
Closes-Bug: #1489198
Closes-Bug: #1414559
Change-Id: Ifa919a9076a3cc2696688af3feadf8d7fa9e6fc2
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/18417
Submitter: Pkgs Jenkins <email address hidden>
Branch: 9.0/mitaka
Commit: 93179921769abd9 b55c6914c070bd6 ba61c10759
Author: Oleg Bondarev <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Apr 18 21:07:17 2016
Notify nova with network-vif-plugged in case of live migration
- during live migration on pre migration step nova plugs instance ce6280c685ae44a 691665b4e98 /review. openstack. org/246898 2696688af3feadf 8d7fa9e6fc2
vif device on the destination compute node;
- L2 agent on destination host detects new device and requests device
info from server;
- server does not change port status since port is bound to another
host (source host);
- L2 agent processes device and sends update_device_up to server;
- again server does not update status as port is bound to another host;
Nova notifications are sent only in case port status change so in this case
no notifications are sent.
The fix is to explicitly notify nova if agent reports device up from a host
other than port's current host.
This is the fix on neutron side, the actual fix of the bug is on nova side:
change-id Ib1cb9c2f6eb2f5
upstream review: https:/
Closes-Bug: #1489198
Closes-Bug: #1414559
Change-Id: Ifa919a9076a3cc