Reviewed: Submitter: Vitaly Sedelnik <email address hidden> Branch: openstack-ci/fuel-5.1.1-updates/2014.1.1
Commit: f82390b5244137f82dd64a1f2a68448c293b391e Author: Eric Harney <email address hidden> Date: Fri Oct 23 13:20:08 2015
Disallow backing files when uploading volumes to image
Volumes with a header referencing a backing file can leak file data into the destination image when uploading a volume to an image.
Halt the upload process if the volume data references a backing file to prevent this.
Closes-Bug: #1465333 Change-Id: Iab9718794e7f7e8444015712cfa08c46848ebf78 (cherry picked from commit 9634b76ba5886d6c2f2128d550cb005dabf48213) Conflicts: cinder/tests/ (backport to old tests) (cherry picked from commit d31c937c566005dedf41a60c6b5bd5e7b26f221b) Conflicts: cinder/tests/
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/13124 ci/fuel- 5.1.1-updates/ 2014.1. 1
Submitter: Vitaly Sedelnik <email address hidden>
Branch: openstack-
Commit: f82390b5244137f 82dd64a1f2a6844 8c293b391e
Author: Eric Harney <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 23 13:20:08 2015
Disallow backing files when uploading volumes to image
Volumes with a header referencing a backing file can leak
file data into the destination image when uploading a
volume to an image.
Halt the upload process if the volume data references a
backing file to prevent this.
Closes-Bug: #1465333 8444015712cfa08 c46848ebf78 c2f2128d550cb00 5dabf48213) tests/test_ image_utils. py (backport to old tests) edf41a60c6b5bd5 e7b26f221b) tests/test_ image_utils. py
Change-Id: Iab9718794e7f7e
(cherry picked from commit 9634b76ba5886d6
(cherry picked from commit d31c937c566005d