commit 4495e8d8e7a3052cf04a5ceaf8d01d85c0c6c128
Author: Alexandr Nevenchannyy <email address hidden>
Fix connecting unnecessary iSCSI sessions issue
In Icehouse with "iscsi_use_multipath=true", attaching a multipath
iSCSI volume may create unnecessary iSCSI sessions.
The iscsiadm discovery command in connect_volume() returns all of the
targets in the Cinder node, not just the ones related to the multipath
volume which is specified by iqn. If the storage has many targets,
connecting to all these volumes will also result in many unnecessary
There are two types of iSCSI multipath devices. One which shares
the same iqn between multiple portals, and the other which use
different iqns on different portals. connect_volume() needs to
identify the type by checking iscsiadm the output if the iqn is
used by multiple portals.
This patch changes the behavior of attaching volume:
1. Identify the type by checking the iscsiadm output.
2. Connect to the correct targets by connect_to_iscsi_portal().
(cherry picked from commit fb0de106f2f15604750bafc318ba06c41070cc35)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. fuel-infra. org/6189 /review. fuel-infra. org/gitweb? p=openstack/ nova.git; a=commitdiff; h=4495e8d8e7a30 52cf04a5ceaf8d0 1d85c0c6c128 ci/fuel- 6.0-updates/ 2014.2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: mos-infra-ci
Branch: openstack-
commit 4495e8d8e7a3052 cf04a5ceaf8d01d 85c0c6c128
Author: Alexandr Nevenchannyy <email address hidden>
Fix connecting unnecessary iSCSI sessions issue
In Icehouse with "iscsi_ use_multipath= true", attaching a multipath
iSCSI volume may create unnecessary iSCSI sessions.
The iscsiadm discovery command in connect_volume() returns all of the
targets in the Cinder node, not just the ones related to the multipath
volume which is specified by iqn. If the storage has many targets,
connecting to all these volumes will also result in many unnecessary
There are two types of iSCSI multipath devices. One which shares
the same iqn between multiple portals, and the other which use
different iqns on different portals. connect_volume() needs to
identify the type by checking iscsiadm the output if the iqn is
used by multiple portals.
This patch changes the behavior of attaching volume:
1. Identify the type by checking the iscsiadm output. to_iscsi_ portal( ).
2. Connect to the correct targets by connect_
(cherry picked from commit fb0de106f2f1560 4750bafc318ba06 c41070cc35)
nova/tests/ unit/virt/ libvirt/ test_volume. py
Change-Id: I488ad0c09bf26a 609e27d67b9ef60 b65bb45e0ad
Change-Id: I926f50eaf4ea93 84de376f2a4b07c ac98f82a3b0
Closes-bug: #1443974
Closes-bug: #1443977