Thanks for the patch.
It worked pretty well with latest lp:mixxx/1.10 on MacOSX 10.6.8.
Interestingly some of the shortcuts available in Standard.kbd.cfg are still not displayed in the tooltips (at least on MacOS). I tried to re-assign the shortcuts with no result.
Keys with display issues:
beatloop_4_toggle ( you can substitute the 4 with any of the available numbers from 0.0625-64 with no result)
Thanks for the patch.
It worked pretty well with latest lp:mixxx/1.10 on MacOSX 10.6.8.
Interestingly some of the shortcuts available in Standard.kbd.cfg are still not displayed in the tooltips (at least on MacOS). I tried to re-assign the shortcuts with no result.
Keys with display issues: down_small
beatloop_4_toggle ( you can substitute the 4 with any of the available numbers from 0.0625-64 with no result)
Personally i like that the key sequence is translated in a platform specific string. :NativeText returns "Meta" key instead of "Windows" key . Can´t test on Windows if QT bug is still present: https:/ /bugreports. qt-project. org/browse/ QTBUG-4181? page=com. atlassian. jira.plugin. system. issuetabpanels: all-tabpanel# issue-tabs
It might be confusing to users on Windows cause QKeySequence: