So far I've found out that the first table row is always soemhow focused but not selected/highlighted.
In wtracktableview.cpp I can manually select the first row if there's only one, but that would only work for [Playlist],MoveSelection controls, not for Up/Down key presses (real or emulated in librarycontrol.cpp). The issue seems to be in qabstractitemview or qtableview respectively.
So far I've found out that the first table row is always soemhow focused but not selected/ highlighted.
In wtracktableview.cpp I can manually select the first row if there's only one, but that would only work for [Playlist] ,MoveSelection controls, not for Up/Down key presses (real or emulated in librarycontrol. cpp). The issue seems to be in qabstractitemview or qtableview respectively.