Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit eadce20f479b1f385dc2ab0f54858a40208cb408 Author: Renat Akhmerov <email address hidden> Date: Thu May 17 14:57:02 2018 +0700
Add "fields" argument to DB API methods
* Added the "fields" argument to all "get" and "load" DB API methods where we potentially need partial loading * Removed an unused method * Refactored some methods taking "namespace" as an argument
Closes-Bug: #1771518 Change-Id: I3eb094c24bc5309d05bf859c0b4d43487d50f1df
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/569049 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ mistral/ commit/ ?id=eadce20f479 b1f385dc2ab0f54 858a40208cb408
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit eadce20f479b1f3 85dc2ab0f54858a 40208cb408
Author: Renat Akhmerov <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 17 14:57:02 2018 +0700
Add "fields" argument to DB API methods
* Added the "fields" argument to all "get" and "load" DB API
methods where we potentially need partial loading
* Removed an unused method
* Refactored some methods taking "namespace" as an argument
Closes-Bug: #1771518 9d05bf859c0b4d4 3487d50f1df
Change-Id: I3eb094c24bc530