Still happening in Mir release 0.11.0:
Signal 1 received. Good night. [1423635409.524339] <ERROR> MirSurfaceAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in mir_surface_release): /build/buildd/mir-0.11.0+15.04.20150209.1/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(154): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&) Dynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorIN3mir25socket_disconnected_errorEEEEE std::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe 32, "Broken pipe" [1423635409.524508] <ERROR> MirConnectionAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in release): /build/buildd/mir-0.11.0+15.04.20150209.1/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(154): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&) Dynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorIN3mir25socket_disconnected_errorEEEEE std::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe 32, "Broken pipe"
See also bug 1312099.
Still happening in Mir release 0.11.0:
Signal 1 received. Good night. release) : /build/ buildd/ mir-0.11. 0+15.04. 20150209. 1/src/client/ rpc/stream_ socket_ transport. cpp(154) : Throw in function virtual void mir::client: :rpc::StreamSoc ketTransport: :send_message( const std::vector< unsigned char>&, const std::vector< mir::Fd> &) ion_detail10clo ne_implINS0_ 19error_ info_injectorIN 3mir25socket_ disconnected_ errorEEEEE :what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe buildd/ mir-0.11. 0+15.04. 20150209. 1/src/client/ rpc/stream_ socket_ transport. cpp(154) : Throw in function virtual void mir::client: :rpc::StreamSoc ketTransport: :send_message( const std::vector< unsigned char>&, const std::vector< mir::Fd> &) ion_detail10clo ne_implINS0_ 19error_ info_injectorIN 3mir25socket_ disconnected_ errorEEEEE :what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe
[1423635409.524339] <ERROR> MirSurfaceAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in mir_surface_
Dynamic exception type: N5boost16except
32, "Broken pipe"
[1423635409.524508] <ERROR> MirConnectionAPI: Caught exception at client library boundary (in release): /build/
Dynamic exception type: N5boost16except
32, "Broken pipe"
See also bug 1312099.