Hardware cursor gets stranded and can't move to some monitors.
Test case: 1. Toggle the display modes of various monitors using Ctrl+Alt+= with: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/mir/select-monitor/+merge/217409
Expected: Monitors that are on are always reachable with the mouse. Observed: After a couple of mode changes one monitor becomes unreachable with the mouse.
Hardware cursor gets stranded and can't move to some monitors.
Test case: /code.launchpad .net/~vanvugt/ mir/select- monitor/ +merge/ 217409
1. Toggle the display modes of various monitors using Ctrl+Alt+= with:
Expected: Monitors that are on are always reachable with the mouse.
Observed: After a couple of mode changes one monitor becomes unreachable with the mouse.