Comment 0 for bug 1581709

Revision history for this message
jidanni (dan-jacobson) wrote :

1. Browse
2. Notice sound coming out of speakers.
3. Panic looking for a way to turn it off.

You need to give users who have never even used midori even once before
an obvious way to turn off sound when they hear it coming out of their speakers.

alias a=b; echo Copy carefully #bout:version

Version numbers in brackets show the version used at runtime.

Command line midori\"want to chat on Blendr\"
Midori 0.5.11 (de.twotoasts.midori_d7134a2ccc441301fc42f7ca4dea1c28_fea087517c26fadd409bd4b9dc642555__0) Midori
GTK+ 2.24.29 (2.24.30) Glib 2.46.2 (2.48.1)
WebKitGTK+ 2.4.9 (2.4.11) libSoup 2.52.2
cairo 1.14.4 (1.14.6) libnotify No
gcr 3.18.0 granite No
Platform X11; Linux i686
Identification Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/538.15+ Midori/0.5
Video Formats H264 [ ] Ogg Theora [ ] WebM [ ]

Netscape Plugins:

Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202