>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:204
>> + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(GST_ELEMENT_PARENT(m_source.get()), reinterpret_cast<gpointer>(uriDecodeBinElementAddedCallback), this);
> What if it has been disconnected before? I think it would be better to save the handler id and use g_signal_handler_disconnect() and invalidate the id.
If the callback has been disconnected before, then g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched() (the actual function called by the macro) just returns "0" matches and nothing happens.
>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:1350
>> + if (g_strcmp0(G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(G_OBJECT(element))), "GstDownloadBuffer"))
Sorry, that's not possible. GstDownloadBuffer is an element, and as such, comes from a dynamically loaded plugin. It seems that the gstdownloadbuffer.h header isn't distributed for usage from third party applications. If I can't find it in WebKit/WebKitBuild/DependenciesGTK/Root/include/gstreamer-1.0/gst when using jhbuild, I doubt it's going to be available on regular distros.
>>> Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:1395
>>> + *p = '?';
>> I'm not sure I understand this, maybe you can simply do g_strdelimit (templateFile.get(), "X", '?');
>> Can't you pass something like "*-XXXXXX*" as pattern to listDirectory?
> Maybe you can use String::replace instead of doing this (it can take position and length.
Carlos: It doesn't work like that. "X" isn't an actual letter X, but the character g_mkstemp()[1] uses as wildcard to construct actual random filenames. That character is equivalent to "?" in shell glob syntax.
Now that I think about it, if we're comfident about what the legacy base name was ("WebKitWebProcess-XXXXXX") and are sure that it doesn't have "X" in any other place than in the pattern, we can do a simple character replacement in the base name without fear to screw legitimate "X" letters up.
Comment on attachment 300398
View in context: https:/ /bugs.webkit. org/attachment. cgi?id= 300398& action= review
>> Source/ WebCore/ platform/ graphics/ gstreamer/ MediaPlayerPriv ateGStreamer. cpp:204 handlers_ disconnect_ by_func( GST_ELEMENT_ PARENT( m_source. get()), reinterpret_ cast<gpointer> (uriDecodeBinEl ementAddedCallb ack), this); handler_ disconnect( ) and invalidate the id.
>> + g_signal_
> What if it has been disconnected before? I think it would be better to save the handler id and use g_signal_
If the callback has been disconnected before, then g_signal_ handlers_ disconnect_ matched( ) (the actual function called by the macro) just returns "0" matches and nothing happens.
>> Source/ WebCore/ platform/ graphics/ gstreamer/ MediaPlayerPriv ateGStreamer. cpp:1350 G_OBJECT_ CLASS_NAME( G_OBJECT_ GET_CLASS( G_OBJECT( element) )), "GstDownloadBuf fer")) DOWNLOAD_ BUFFER?
>> + if (g_strcmp0(
Sorry, that's not possible. GstDownloadBuffer is an element, and as such, comes from a dynamically loaded plugin. It seems that the gstdownloadbuffer.h header isn't distributed for usage from third party applications. If I can't find it in WebKit/ WebKitBuild/ DependenciesGTK /Root/include/ gstreamer- 1.0/gst when using jhbuild, I doubt it's going to be available on regular distros.
>>> Source/ WebCore/ platform/ graphics/ gstreamer/ MediaPlayerPriv ateGStreamer. cpp:1395 get(), "X", '?');
>>> + *p = '?';
>> I'm not sure I understand this, maybe you can simply do g_strdelimit (templateFile.
>> Can't you pass something like "*-XXXXXX*" as pattern to listDirectory?
> Maybe you can use String::replace instead of doing this (it can take position and length.
Carlos: It doesn't work like that. "X" isn't an actual letter X, but the character g_mkstemp()[1] uses as wildcard to construct actual random filenames. That character is equivalent to "?" in shell glob syntax.
Now that I think about it, if we're comfident about what the legacy base name was ("WebKitWebProc ess-XXXXXX" ) and are sure that it doesn't have "X" in any other place than in the pattern, we can do a simple character replacement in the base name without fear to screw legitimate "X" letters up.
[1] https:/ /developer. gnome.org/ glib/stable/ glib-File- Utilities. html#g- mkstemp