Today I tried to solve this by setting the temp-remove[1] property of GstDownloadBuffer to true, only to find that it's already true by default and that the "delete on READY" statement in the documentation doesnt refer to the NULL -> READY -> PAUSED -> PLAYING transition (ie: delete after creation), but to the PLAYING -> PAUSED -> READY -> NULL one (ie: delete on destruction, the current behaviour).
I guess I'll have to try a different approach and delete the file by myself.
Today I tried to solve this by setting the temp-remove[1] property of GstDownloadBuffer to true, only to find that it's already true by default and that the "delete on READY" statement in the documentation doesnt refer to the NULL -> READY -> PAUSED -> PLAYING transition (ie: delete after creation), but to the PLAYING -> PAUSED -> READY -> NULL one (ie: delete on destruction, the current behaviour).
I guess I'll have to try a different approach and delete the file by myself.
[1] https:/ /gstreamer. freedesktop. org/data/ doc/gstreamer/ head/gstreamer- plugins/ html/gstreamer- plugins- downloadbuffer. html#GstDownloa dBuffer- -temp-remove