Crashed for me after adding a URL to the box and hitting enter. This was just after upgrading to 0.5.5 (I think, since it won't open anymore without crashing). It preserved my previous speeddial page and worked OK with that first time, but I tried adding another URL (DuckDuckGo) and since then it's been a mess. Tried rebuilding the speeddial file with an editor, didn't seem to cure it. Tried reinstallation, no help. Will try removal next. This is a 32-bit Kubuntu Lucid.
Crashed for me after adding a URL to the box and hitting enter. This was just after upgrading to 0.5.5 (I think, since it won't open anymore without crashing). It preserved my previous speeddial page and worked OK with that first time, but I tried adding another URL (DuckDuckGo) and since then it's been a mess. Tried rebuilding the speeddial file with an editor, didn't seem to cure it. Tried reinstallation, no help. Will try removal next. This is a 32-bit Kubuntu Lucid.