* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #233959). Remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/control:
- Change Maintainer/XSBC-Original-Maintainer field,
- Update Build-depends: python-wxgtk2.6 -> 2.8
- Change order of dependencies so python-gtk2 is first (LP: #223067).
* debian/docs: adding various doc files to binary package
* Revert to TkAgg backend instead of GTKAgg which has been the default
in the several last Ubuntu releases. TkAgg is also the default backend
in the Debian version. Bug (LP: #220137) seems to indicate that GTKagg
does not work as expected, either by design or from a bug.
* debian/rules:
- copy debian/setup.cfg to $(CURDIR), to make TkAgg the default.
- call dh_link for the indep target.
* Also install /usr/share/matplotlib/matplotlib.conf, and create
a link from /etc/matplotlibrc to /usr/share/matplotlib partly solving
the problem described in Launchpad bug 126318.
* debian/README.debian: add note on use of environmental variable.
* Closing other bugs fixed by this version:
- PDF generation is working in this version (LP: #114707)
- personal settings file in ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc (LP: #124621)
- quiver interface refactored from upstream (LP: #134919)
matplotlib (0.91.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/patches/bts-478237_ftbfs_gcc43.patch
- added (Closes: #478237)
* debian/rules
- removed some files changes during build
* debian/control
- removed Depends on python-numeric-ext, python-numarray-ext (Closes:
matplotlib (0.91.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Replace libwxgtk2.4-python with python-wxgtk2.6 in Depends
(closes: #466470)
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #459200, #474001, #447741, #408955)
* debian/patches/build_fix.patch
- edited to match new code
* debian/rules
- adjusted doc files installation
* debian/docs
- removed since the same files were already in debian/rules
* debian/patches/matplotlibrc_fix.patch
- edited to match new code (sync from Ubuntu)
* debian/control
- added "dvipng, python-configobj, python-enthought-traits (>= 2.0),
python-qt-dev, python-qt4-dev, python-wxgtk2.6" as build-dep (sync from
- bump depends on python-numpy (sync from Ubuntu)
- added "python-qt4, dvipng, python-configobj, python-enthought-traits (>=
2.0)" to Depends (sync from Ubuntu)
- merged Recommends into Depends
- removed Depends on python-pypaint since that package is unavailable
- added myself to Uploaders
* debian/patches/bts-468977_memory_api_usage.patch
- fixes Python API memory usage (Closes: #468977)
This bug was fixed in the package matplotlib - 0.91.2-2ubuntu1
matplotlib (0.91.2-2ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #233959). Remaining Ubuntu changes: XSBC-Original- Maintainer field, matplotlib/ matplotlib. conf, and create matplotlib partly solving README. debian: add note on use of environmental variable. matplotlibrc (LP: #124621)
* debian/control:
- Change Maintainer/
- Update Build-depends: python-wxgtk2.6 -> 2.8
- Change order of dependencies so python-gtk2 is first (LP: #223067).
* debian/docs: adding various doc files to binary package
* Revert to TkAgg backend instead of GTKAgg which has been the default
in the several last Ubuntu releases. TkAgg is also the default backend
in the Debian version. Bug (LP: #220137) seems to indicate that GTKagg
does not work as expected, either by design or from a bug.
* debian/rules:
- copy debian/setup.cfg to $(CURDIR), to make TkAgg the default.
- call dh_link for the indep target.
* Also install /usr/share/
a link from /etc/matplotlibrc to /usr/share/
the problem described in Launchpad bug 126318.
* debian/
* Closing other bugs fixed by this version:
- PDF generation is working in this version (LP: #114707)
- personal settings file in ~/.matplotlib/
- quiver interface refactored from upstream (LP: #134919)
matplotlib (0.91.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/ patches/ bts-478237_ ftbfs_gcc43. patch
- added (Closes: #478237)
* debian/rules
- removed some files changes during build
* debian/control
- removed Depends on python-numeric-ext, python-numarray-ext (Closes:
matplotlib (0.91.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Replace libwxgtk2.4-python with python-wxgtk2.6 in Depends
(closes: #466470)
[ Sandro Tosi ] patches/ build_fix. patch patches/ matplotlibrc_ fix.patch enthought- traits (>= 2.0), qt-dev, python-qt4-dev, python-wxgtk2.6" as build-dep (sync from enthought- traits (>= patches/ bts-468977_ memory_ api_usage. patch
* New upstream release (Closes: #459200, #474001, #447741, #408955)
* debian/
- edited to match new code
* debian/rules
- adjusted doc files installation
* debian/docs
- removed since the same files were already in debian/rules
* debian/
- edited to match new code (sync from Ubuntu)
* debian/control
- added "dvipng, python-configobj, python-
- bump depends on python-numpy (sync from Ubuntu)
- added "python-qt4, dvipng, python-configobj, python-
2.0)" to Depends (sync from Ubuntu)
- merged Recommends into Depends
- removed Depends on python-pypaint since that package is unavailable
- added myself to Uploaders
* debian/
- fixes Python API memory usage (Closes: #468977)
-- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden> Fri, 30 May 2008 14:17:03 +0200