When creating port bindings for ports inside Neutron, Manila
just uses the hostname using "socket.gethostname()" rather
than the one provided via CONF.host
The default behaviour of CONF.host is "socket.gethostname()"
anyways, so it should work just fine.
Closes-Bug: #2037580
Change-Id: I4181a6f1527c80bf356d6363300b2d420921e7fa
(cherry picked from commit 809253f3e8ce29b1cefd7afdb8acc1eb476f102c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /manila/ +/896843 /opendev. org/openstack/ manila/ commit/ 2e2ab95b8b240e8 d1a51d0a20a220e 525ea092b1
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/2023.1
commit 2e2ab95b8b240e8 d1a51d0a20a220e 525ea092b1
Author: Mohammed Naser <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 27 17:40:40 2023 +0000
Respect provided "host" when plugging ports
When creating port bindings for ports inside Neutron, Manila gethostname( )" rather
just uses the hostname using "socket.
than the one provided via CONF.host
The default behaviour of CONF.host is "socket. gethostname( )"
anyways, so it should work just fine.
Closes-Bug: #2037580 bf356d6363300b2 d420921e7fa 1cefd7afdb8acc1 eb476f102c)
Change-Id: I4181a6f1527c80
(cherry picked from commit 809253f3e8ce29b