Comment 0 for bug 1868088

Revision history for this message
Douglas Viroel (dviroel) wrote :

Admins might face some hard times when dealing with user quotas for resources.
Currently, Manila accepts quotas sets for any user-id and this might lead to unwanted DB entries if the admin enters, by mistake, an invalid user-id. At the end, this will affect the total project quota that will consider all user quotas.
This is a request for implement an new API to query all user's quotas associated to an project. In this way, admins will be able to unwanted entries using quota-delete operations.

How to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create a quota for user-A using its user-id (correct way)
$ manila quota-update demo --user-id f6fd7e75ff994fb0b7b847932effa25f --shares 7
2. Try to update user-A, and provide a different user-id, by mistake:
$ manila quota-update demo --user-id f6fd7e75ff994fb0b7b847932effa25f] --shares 8
3. Try to update project quot:
$ manila quota-update demo --shares 10
ERROR: Quota limit must be greater than 15. (HTTP 400)

The database has both entries and there is no easy way for admins to retrieve this information.