While it is true that the program will receive notification of new messages, when the user clicks open he is brought to google's home page instead of the new message. This is probably because the credentials for google apps don't work through the main gmail login page. When I sign into my <email address hidden> account, which is gmail, I must sign in through this page https://idp.utulsa.edu/idp/login.jsp?actionUrl=%2Fidp%2FAuthn%2FUserPassword both gmail.utulsa.edu and mail.google.com/a/utulsa.edu redirect me to the first link. As you can see this is not hosted at google. I'm not sure how google apps works but simply sending the alternate domain credentials to the main gmail login page does not work.
While it is true that the program will receive notification of new messages, when the user clicks open he is brought to google's home page instead of the new message. This is probably because the credentials for google apps don't work through the main gmail login page. When I sign into my <email address hidden> account, which is gmail, I must sign in through this page https:/ /idp.utulsa. edu/idp/ login.jsp? actionUrl= %2Fidp% 2FAuthn% 2FUserPassword both gmail.utulsa.edu and mail.google. com/a/utulsa. edu redirect me to the first link. As you can see this is not hosted at google. I'm not sure how google apps works but simply sending the alternate domain credentials to the main gmail login page does not work.