Comment 0 for bug 783345

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Anita Sabot (support-sabotsites) wrote :

1) COPY COLLECTION: I am anxiously awaiting the release of a "copy collection" feature as is being discussed at I am setting Mahara up for a university, and I am actually very surprised not to find this kind of feature available. I'm sure most schools require a certain required layout for their portfolios and could really appreciate this feature.

2) ADMIN COPY COLLECTION: To go even further with this, I would even say that the ability for the admin to copy a collection into new user accounts would be a great feature. I think most schools do add users in from the admin side and as they set up the accounts. This would enable them to tick off a collection copy (or a least a set of views for now) that would be added to the user before the user's account is even first logged into by the user.

I'm now having to instruct students to copy the 5 views necessary from a "sample student" profile and then instruct them on how to create their own collection to make their portfolio in accordance with university requirements.