Parameters are fetched according to v2 from magnum.conf therefore magnum.conf has to be changed for v3.
There is comment in the code, which says, "Conductor layer does not have new v3 variables, such as project_name and project_domain_id.". I did not understood this part. What does it mean?
Currently keystone v2 is deprecated and v3 is used in magnum, therefore following file should be changed for v3 parameters /github. com/openstack/ magnum/ blob/master/ magnum/ common/ keystone. py#L150
Parameters are fetched according to v2 from magnum.conf therefore magnum.conf has to be changed for v3.
There is comment in the code, which says, "Conductor layer does not have new v3 variables, such as project_name and project_ domain_ id.". I did not understood this part. What does it mean?