Comment 0 for bug 2028855

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Jacopo Rota (r00ta) wrote : Fail to configure Vault

`sudo maas config-vault configure` always fails due to `CommandError: permission denied`.

Steps to reproduce:

1) get a vault server (or get a local one)
2) configure the vault according to
3) at the step 5 of the guide, run `vault write -wrap-ttl=60m -force auth/approle/role/$ROLE_NAME/secret-id` (atm there is a typo in the docs, do not run `vault write -wrap-ttl=5m auth/approle/role/$ROLE_NAME/secret-id` as it's wrong)
4) the command `sudo maas config-vault configure $URL $APPROLE_ID $WRAPPED_TOKEN $SECRETS_PATH --mount $SECRET_MOUNT` fails with `CommandError: permission denied...`