Some observerations looking at
leafeon and meinfoo seems fine, they have all scripts passing. swoobat have all scripts passing, except for 50-maas-01-commissioning and maas-list-modaliases, which are pending:
Again, we see failures to update network interface configuration. But for leafeon, it seems like we eventually succeed:
For swoobat we see similar failures, but the script never gets marked as passed, as with leafeon:
The error about failing to update network interfaces comes from NetworksMonitoringService.do_action():
try: interfaces = yield maybeDeferred(self.getInterfaces) yield self._updateInterfaces(interfaces) except BaseException as e: msg = ( "Failed to update and/or record network interface " "configuration: %s; interfaces: %r" % (e, interfaces) ) log.err(None, msg)
so it's actually not clear where the error is actually happening.
Some observerations looking at https:/ /oil-jenkins. canonical. com/artifacts/ bd827ab3- 7242-4f94- a1d2-cad7a93bbc b8/generated/ generated/ maas/logs- 2023-03- 08-01.58. 05.tgz
leafeon and meinfoo seems fine, they have all scripts passing. swoobat have all scripts passing, except for 50-maas- 01-commissionin g and maas-list- modaliases, which are pending: https:/ /pastebin. canonical. com/p/33x5WJfT2 T/
Again, we see failures to update network interface configuration. But for leafeon, it seems like we eventually succeed: https:/ /pastebin. canonical. com/p/YfDMJyyKp S/
For swoobat we see similar failures, but the script never gets marked as passed, as with leafeon: https:/ /pastebin. canonical. com/p/XkVVZhwyp b/
The error about failing to update network interfaces comes from NetworksMonitor ingService. do_action( ):
interfaces = yield maybeDeferred( self.getInterfa ces) erfaces( interfaces)
"Failed to update and/or record network interface "
"configuratio n: %s; interfaces: %r" % (e, interfaces)
log. err(None, msg)
yield self._updateInt
except BaseException as e:
msg = (
so it's actually not clear where the error is actually happening.