Comment 5 for bug 1737592

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Well, I went looking to verify this. We got builds out of artful and xenial today (20180109).

$ usquery maas3-daily --max=1 ftype=boot-initrd arch=amd64 subarch~ga- \
   kpackage~generic \
   --output-format='%(release)s %(version_name)s %(path)s %(item_url)s' |
 while read rel ver path url; do \
    [ -f "$out" ] && continue;
    wget "$url" -O "$out.tmp" || break;
    mv "$out.tmp" "$out"; done

$ for f in *-initrd; do echo == $f ==; lsinitramfs $f | grep zfs; done
== artful-20180109-initrd ==
== bionic-20180101-initrd ==
== xenial-20180109-initrd ==
== yakkety-20170719.1-initrd ==
== zesty-20171219-initrd ==

I was hoping that xenial and artful would have the modules now.