I have this configuration :
/data/bzr --> folder of repositories
|-- project1 --> repository of project1 AND trunk of project1
| |-- branches --> folder of project1 branches
| | `-- ... --> project1 branches
| `-- releases --> folder of project1 release branches
| `-- ... --> project1 release branches
`-- project2 --> repository of project2 AND trunk of project2
|-- branches --> folder of project2 branches
| |-- branch1 --> project2 branch1 branch
| | |-- sub-branch1 --> project2 branch1 sub-branch
| | `-- ... --> project2 branch1 sub-branches
| `-- ... --> project2 branch
|-- teams --> folder of project2 teams branches
| `-- ... --> project2 teams branches
`-- releases --> folder of project2 release branches
`-- ... --> project1 release branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/ --> access to all projects trunks but not branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/project1/ --> access to project1 trunk but not branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/project2/teams/ --> access to all project2 teams branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/project2/branches/branch1/ --> access to project2 branch1 branch but not sub-branches
I use serve-branches !
I have this configuration :
/data/bzr --> folder of repositories
|-- project1 --> repository of project1 AND trunk of project1
| |-- branches --> folder of project1 branches
| | `-- ... --> project1 branches
| `-- releases --> folder of project1 release branches
| `-- ... --> project1 release branches
`-- project2 --> repository of project2 AND trunk of project2
|-- branches --> folder of project2 branches
| |-- branch1 --> project2 branch1 branch
| | |-- sub-branch1 --> project2 branch1 sub-branch
| | `-- ... --> project2 branch1 sub-branches
| `-- ... --> project2 branch
|-- teams --> folder of project2 teams branches
| `-- ... --> project2 teams branches
`-- releases --> folder of project2 release branches
`-- ... --> project1 release branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/ --> access to all projects trunks but not branches project2/ teams/ --> access to all project2 teams branches project2/ branches/ branch1/ --> access to project2 branch1 branch but not sub-branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/project1/ --> access to project1 trunk but not branches
./serve-branches /data/bzr/
./serve-branches /data/bzr/