This patch fixes an issue with the compatibility between the task
'install_ocf_script' and MOS8. On MOS 8 the following error is
"Tasks 'primary-standalone-database, primary-standalone-rabbitmq,
standalone-database, standalone-rabbitmq' can't be in
requires|required_for|groups|tasks for [install-ocf-script] because they
don't exist in the graph"
Change-Id: I97e5fd6321c9f7a5878e1b8db9f37cec15745676
Closes-Bug: #1627968
(cherry picked from commit 76987240a97fcb03b391a36c1dd6c71020b2fbf5)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/379974 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-plugin- lma-collector/ commit/ ?id=c3106130a57 ef2f2053d7cfac0 6fc380c484e5a6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/0.10
commit c3106130a57ef2f 2053d7cfac06fc3 80c484e5a6
Author: Guillaume Thouvenin <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 29 14:49:37 2016 +0200
Fix issue with task install_ocf_script on MOS8
This patch fixes an issue with the compatibility between the task ocf_script' and MOS8. On MOS 8 the following error is
"Tasks 'primary- standalone- database, primary- standalone- rabbitmq, database, standalone- rabbitmq' can't be in required_ for|groups| tasks for [install- ocf-script] because they
don't exist in the graph"
Change-Id: I97e5fd6321c9f7 a5878e1b8db9f37 cec15745676 3b391a36c1dd6c7 1020b2fbf5)
Closes-Bug: #1627968
(cherry picked from commit 76987240a97fcb0