Increase timeout to 20s for Openstack collectd plugins
And decrease the max_retries from 3 to 2 to stay in the 50 seconds window.
This change allows to retrieve large number of objects and also avoids to
overload the system by performing 3 'zombies' requests every 50 seconds
without any metrics collected.
Partial-bug: #1554502
Change-Id: I60a7611bc82598831538da01245b87fb29a15c44
(cherry picked from commit 9cb06879fe29ec4a66041f14a52ef7d17171d664)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/292435 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ fuel-plugin- lma-collector/ commit/ ?id=06356a86874 5e3e522c6d1adb3 f4da1dd47fcd67
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/0.9
commit 06356a868745e3e 522c6d1adb3f4da 1dd47fcd67
Author: Swann Croiset <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 9 11:10:27 2016 +0100
Increase timeout to 20s for Openstack collectd plugins
And decrease the max_retries from 3 to 2 to stay in the 50 seconds window.
This change allows to retrieve large number of objects and also avoids to
overload the system by performing 3 'zombies' requests every 50 seconds
without any metrics collected.
Partial-bug: #1554502 831538da01245b8 7fb29a15c44 a66041f14a52ef7 d17171d664)
Change-Id: I60a7611bc82598
(cherry picked from commit 9cb06879fe29ec4