After I had these problems with the xkb panel plugin, I stopped using it and simply made a startup script that called setxkbmap to set the layout options. When I read your post about the keyboard being disconnected and re-detected, I installed the xkb panel plugin again and started testing it. That was yesterday. So far, the only thing I've noticed is that it forgot the "Change Layout Option" after restart but the random forgetting of everything didn't occur yesterday afternoon. I will keep testing it and post the results later. Maybe it has to do with some interaction with some specific applications, such as LibreOffice or whatever. Thank you for taking care of this buggie.
P.S. And yes, I removed the makeshift script from my startup.
After I had these problems with the xkb panel plugin, I stopped using it and simply made a startup script that called setxkbmap to set the layout options. When I read your post about the keyboard being disconnected and re-detected, I installed the xkb panel plugin again and started testing it. That was yesterday. So far, the only thing I've noticed is that it forgot the "Change Layout Option" after restart but the random forgetting of everything didn't occur yesterday afternoon. I will keep testing it and post the results later. Maybe it has to do with some interaction with some specific applications, such as LibreOffice or whatever. Thank you for taking care of this buggie.
P.S. And yes, I removed the makeshift script from my startup.