Comment 0 for bug 1598099

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Henry J. Douglas (cyberdoug42-deactivatedaccount) wrote : Window List refuses to restore unfocused windows after clicking on Mint Menu

This is a tricky issue to describe, but I'll try to write it as detailed as possible.

I'm running Linux Mint 18 MATE edition, that was released earlier today. It's a clean install, with all updates and nothing else. The issue is present even before installing to disk, while using the Live USB. In fact, it was present in older versions of Linux Mint MATE.

To reproduce: run any application and leave it minimized. Click on the Mint Menu (Advanced MATE menu), close it (again with mouse, not super key) and then click on a Window List button to restore that minimized application. It will make that button twinkle forever and become unresponsive to Alt + Tab or clicks, although any currently focused window will not be affected whatsoever.

One workaround is to open and close the MATE menu with the super key and then click on the unresponsive button. It will stop twinkling and restore its functionality. The other one is to run any application.

My guess is that it's related to FOCUS. Mint Menu may be stealing focus in an awkward way. When you run something else, it unlocks all affected windows.

I appreciate any guidance on collecting more information on this, if needed.