Exact same issue with multiple WAPs in multiple locations.
Dell XPS13 (sputnik) Ubuntu 12.04
I see this within the syslog when the issue occurs
Jul 8 16:54:30 mymachine NetworkManager[1088]: <info> (wlan0): roamed from BSSID AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (MySSID) to (none) ((none))
Exact same issue with multiple WAPs in multiple locations.
Dell XPS13 (sputnik)
Ubuntu 12.04
I see this within the syslog when the issue occurs
Jul 8 16:54:30 mymachine NetworkManager[ 1088]: <info> (wlan0): roamed from BSSID AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (MySSID) to (none) ((none))