In the mean time I found out that the stick is indeed properly configured as a modem. It attaches to ttyUSB0 and I can send commands and receive output quite nicely. Its just itching me pretty much that NM managed this stick so nicely on ubuntu jaunty and now it is not even listed by NM in lucid.
I'd really appreciate hints on what to do to make NM recognize that there actually is a modem waiting for commands!
In the mean time I found out that the stick is indeed properly configured as a modem. It attaches to ttyUSB0 and I can send commands and receive output quite nicely. Its just itching me pretty much that NM managed this stick so nicely on ubuntu jaunty and now it is not even listed by NM in lucid.
I'd really appreciate hints on what to do to make NM recognize that there actually is a modem waiting for commands!