This bug is awaiting verification that the kernel in -proposed solves the problem. Please test the kernel and update this bug with the results. If the problem is solved, change the tag 'verification-needed-raring' to 'verification-done-raring'.
If verification is not done by 5 working days from today, this fix will be dropped from the source code, and this bug will be closed.
This bug is awaiting verification that the kernel in -proposed solves the problem. Please test the kernel and update this bug with the results. If the problem is solved, change the tag 'verification- needed- raring' to 'verification- done-raring' .
If verification is not done by 5 working days from today, this fix will be dropped from the source code, and this bug will be closed.
See https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/Testing/ EnableProposed for documentation how to enable and use -proposed. Thank you!