searchfgold, thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better. Please execute the following command, as it will automatically gather debugging information, in a terminal:
apport-collect 1030858
When reporting bugs in the future please use apport by using 'ubuntu-bug' and the name of the package affected. You can learn more about this functionality at
If you do not have an alternate internet connection port, could you please apport-collect following ?
searchfgold, thank you for reporting this and helping make Ubuntu better. Please execute the following command, as it will automatically gather debugging information, in a terminal: /wiki.ubuntu. com/ReportingBu gs. /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# Filing_ bugs_when_ off-line ?
apport-collect 1030858
When reporting bugs in the future please use apport by using 'ubuntu-bug' and the name of the package affected. You can learn more about this functionality at https:/
If you do not have an alternate internet connection port, could you please apport-collect following https:/
Helpful Bug Reporting Links: /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# Bug_Reporting_ Etiquette /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# A3._Make_ sure_the_ bug_hasn. 27t_already_ been_reported /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# Adding_ Apport_ Debug_Informati on_to_an_ Existing_ Launchpad_ Bug /help.ubuntu. com/community/ ReportingBugs# Adding_ Additional_ Attachments_ to_an_Existing_ Launchpad_ Bug