Comment 27 for bug 717129

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Guilherme Salgado (salgado) wrote : Re: [Bug 717129] Re: linaro-media-create crashes during media setup/partitioning

On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 17:53 +0000, Loïc Minier wrote:
> Well, my analysis might be incorrect, but my understanding of the issue
> is that on some combinations of (system, USB SD adapater, SD card) you
> can't access your SD card anymore after "parted mklabel msdos"; I don't
> think the fact we're calling sfdisk does anything, it just fails
> "forever". But perhaps other tools than parted wouldn't cause this,
> not sure. I actually don't have a way to reproduce this, but Shawn Guo
> does.

Right, I think I misunderstood some things in the thread where you
proposed running "parted [...] && sfdisk [...]", but I've read it again
and now it's clear.

Although in Zygmunt's case there must've been a race because otherwise
the sleep() he added between parted/sfdisk wouldn't have helped.