Oh, right, so the packages are already in the hwpack and installed in
the rootfs but IGEP's config doesn't tell l-m-c to copy the u-boot.bin
to the boot partition. (The x-loader's MLO should be handled correctly
for IGEP)
ISTM that all we need is to set uboot_flavor to "igep0020" in
IgepConfig, but as Loïc pointed out, we need to make sure that doesn't
break l-m-c with 10.11 images, which don't have the u-boot package
Oh, right, so the packages are already in the hwpack and installed in
the rootfs but IGEP's config doesn't tell l-m-c to copy the u-boot.bin
to the boot partition. (The x-loader's MLO should be handled correctly
for IGEP)
ISTM that all we need is to set uboot_flavor to "igep0020" in
IgepConfig, but as Loïc pointed out, we need to make sure that doesn't
break l-m-c with 10.11 images, which don't have the u-boot package
status triaged
importance medium