on Linaro android Jellybean Galaxy_nexus builds:
the perf test suites fails to display data.
root@android:/ # perf stat ls Error: open_counter returned with 19 (No such device). /bin/dmesg may provide additional information.
Fatal: Not all events could be opened.
128|root@android:/ #
on Linaro android Jellybean Galaxy_nexus builds:
https:/ /android- build.linaro. org/builds/ ~linaro- android/ galaxynexus- linaro- 13.07-release/ #build= 2
the perf test suites fails to display data.
root@android:/ # perf stat ls
Error: open_counter returned with 19 (No such device). /bin/dmesg may provide additional information.
Fatal: Not all events could be opened.
128|root@android:/ #