To set up a restricted toolchain build, you must use "BUILD_TYPE=build-android-toolchain-linaro-restricted" (yes, that's getting long, but adheres to existing naming convention and is fully explicit (which was design requirement for naming convention)). The rest of settings as for normal toolchain build.
Ok, we got successful build which behaves as expected re: access control: https:/ /android- build.linaro. org/builds/ ~linaro- android- restricted/ toolchain- 4.7-2012. 12-restr- pfalcon/
To set up a restricted toolchain build, you must use "BUILD_ TYPE=build- android- toolchain- linaro- restricted" (yes, that's getting long, but adheres to existing naming convention and is fully explicit (which was design requirement for naming convention)). The rest of settings as for normal toolchain build.